Artifact: System / Organization Matrix
Main Description

The purpose of this matrix is to depict the relationship between systems (i.e., application components) and organizational units within the enterprise.

Business functions are performed by organizational units. Some of the functions and services performed by those organizational units will be supported by IT systems. The mapping of the Application Component-Organization Unit relationship is an important step as it enables the following to take place:

  • Assign usage of applications to the organization units that perform business functions
  • Understand the application support requirements of the business services and processes carried out by an organization unit
  • Support the gap analysis and determine whether any of the applications are missing and as a result need to be created
  • Define the application set used by a particular organization unit

The System/Organization matrix is a two-dimensional table with Logical/Physical Application Component on one axis and Organization Unit on the other axis.

The relationship between these two entities is a composite of a number of metamodel relationships that need validating:

  • Organization Units own Services
  • Actors that belong to Organization Units use Services
  • Services are realized by Logical/Physical Application Components